10 Best Police Dog Breeds In The World

A dog has been man’s best friend for centuries which ultimately makes them the most loyal of companions that frankly tops both human and animal species. I mean you won’t find a pet like a lizard or a rabbit that loyal. In fact not loyal at all and you sure cannot cuddle with them as you would with them fluffy hounds. Dogs are often used by police and there are a couple of best police dog breeds too. “All men are dogs they say” which explains the reason why the two have gotten along with each and other for so long and still till this day too.

10. German Short-Haired Pointer

Best Police Dog Breeds

A very short dog as its name suggests. However due to it being so commonly found and bred, they are grown in numbers and is also ‘shortly’ known again as: GSP’s. The German short-haired pointer is among the best police dog breeds. Being in the worlds existence ever since the 1800’s and is rather spotty and looks frail in appearance. But then again this dog shouldn’t be judged by the texture of its fur and skin as its one of the most active and friendly dogs out there.

With regards to this one being a recommended and considered breed for the police force. It is also a hunter dog as ever dog regardless of its breed, but mainly for hunting game and birds as well. It’s been said by locals that the dog is of a Spanish descendant for some strange reason. The German Pointer ranks 10 on the list of police dog breeds as its prone to die quickly due to commonly suffering from gastric torsion where there are complications in its stomach that if not immediately attended to by Vets, it could be fatal.

9. Bloodhound


The bloodhound is really a dog with large hung ears, which makes it rather unique in appearance from the rest. And, it often ranked as one of the best police dog breeds. If you’d ask this dog “why the long face”, it would be because it just naturally looks that way. Don’t mistake the long face though as being a cuddly teddy bear as its quiet a powerful dog with a more masculine side to it, which is a common reason as to why it has been yet another one among the top police dog breeds.

This is definitely one dog that stands firm and straight to the command of its trainer or instructor. And since the Police Setting involves stringency in discipline in all sense of that word from its officers as well as whatever they do. Having this dog as part of them is something of a more meaningful nature since the breed blends with the whole coaching demeanor of Police Officers. The bloodhound is another hunting dog, but with the only twist of it being able to hunt bigger things than just birds; things like: deer and wild bores. ‘Blood’ hound in this case is an appropriate name to call it, however it does sincerely have a face that you cannot easily turn away from.

8. Boxer Dog

Best Police Dog Breeds

As the name suggests, this is a more fighter dog and among the best police dog breeds. There are primarily two types of Boxer dogs on the Police Force which is the Schutzhund Boxer and the Deutscher Boxer and both breeds are equal in their doggie personalities in some strange but acceptable way.

Boxer dogs can be considered as the more Martial Arts or Gymnastics types of hounds due to their amazing ability to spring up in a jump of somewhat high raised bars of s that you challenge them to reach. Having this natural bred and trained ability in them serves as somewhat a highly flexible aspect of their worth. Any hound that is flexible can be yielded into performing new tricks which will validate its duty as being cop dogs in any police force as the demand for the unique and exclusive to service assistance of dogs in the Police Force, never seems to end.

Flexibility of any kind in the force goes a long way with the type of duties they have to conduct on a daily basis. Flexible dogs can be used for several aspects in police training which is a great advantage overall to the officer that say “jump!” and expects their K9’s to ask “How high” by their actions and efforts.

7. Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever

Here is one furry friend that is considered to be one of the cutest looking dogs to mainly the females of the world. However when we speak of Labrador retriever, this is a total other breed on its very own. In general and a more common breed of Labrador in a household. It would serve as a super cute pet as well as an overly friendly puppy that’s always shaking all about and welcoming, rushing to greet you with a constant wag of tail and licks of love and would also make a very awesome gift to a women who would look after it like her own child. But apparently the Labrador is also one of the best police dog breeds.

Labrador Retrievers in the Police database on the other hand are bred for entirely different reasons and in this case to sniff out bombs, drug detection and other main reasons as to why police have dogs in their unit to assist them, more especially to be the eyes and ears that goes farther than what the human senses are capable of. This is quite a huge responsibility to be given to an animal with a mind of its own and seeing that it doesn’t even know what a bomb is or how dangerous it is, which is why detecting it successfully only by smell due to its trained ability is outrageously extraordinary In this case and deserves a high noted recognition.

6. Dutch German Shepherd

Best Police Dog Breeds

We can gladly consider this a name brand type of German shepherd and as we all know that the Duchies are known for their famous ‘Prim and Proper’ nature and so the Dutch Germans Shepherd dog’s reputation should speak for itself here also. Being of Dutch descendant doesn’t require much to tell you all that needs to be told, except that its among the best police dog breeds.

Police have adopted and trained Dutch German Shepherd’s for several reasons over the years, and is highly favored and considered an asset by the Holland Police who seemed to have made a traditional home for Dutchie Shepard doggies in their force. Most definitely is one of the best police dog breeds for several reasons and with a staggering expected lifespan of between 13 – 15 years if nurtured and maintained well in terms of regular medical checkups etc.

This can un-doubtfully be one of the main reasons that the Clever Polish Police have the Dutch German Shepherd on their force so they needn’t have to worry about replacing their dogs every year if it can last longer than a decade in their force which is actually a sustainable way of Police dog breeding in the Police Force.

5. Giant Shnautzer

Giant Shnautzer

The big dog always wins, this isn’t uncommon knowledge and the Giant Shnautzer is sure to intimidate any other dog that’s smaller in line of sight and would frighten of criminals too. Let’s be frank, nobody fears for a small playful dog as they would for a Giant Shnautzer in this case. ‘Giant’ as the name suggests is definitely not for no reason and really demands an attention of respect and authority in its stance and stature.

If you’re wondering, no this isn’t a big for nothing dogs either. Giant Shnautzers’ have somewhat long fur which hangs from its mouth which to us humans, looks like an old Military man, an ex-marine that has a story of war to tell. Due to the large appearance of these dogs they definitely would make a statement in which ever police force that breeds and trains them. It’s not inappropriate to say that the amazing thing about this pooch is that it’s as high as its length. Big in size and long in body length too which gives it a ‘large’ appeal overall and their teeth jolt together in a scissor shape, definitely one that you mess with as if under the wrath of its clenched jaws ,you’d literally be torn apart.

Steer clear from the Giant Shnautzer if to you, your life is dear. Giant hounds when it’s the Shnautzer makes a bold and vigorous appearance while keeping to its loyal side of being a dog and a companion to a human being. Nothing better to the police force to have a breed of dog that is proven to be trustworthy in its duty to conduct trained abilities without going astray.

4. Doberman Pinscher

Best Police Dog Breeds

Most certainly cannot teach an old dog new tricks, but the Doberman can be classed as one of the new kids on the block apart from the other breeds. His not a very biggie but not a smaller either. In this regard we can say his just in the middle but because of it being one of the most common breeds in the United States alone, his widely considered by the K9 Family dog units in the police force.

Dobie as some would affection ally call it, is a slim and sleek physique dog which makes it lighter in weight but with an added advantage of it being faster in speed. Part of the reason why today it’s ranked among the best police dog breeds in the planet. This would be regarded as a great advantage to Police Officers that expect their dogs to chase, hunt down and actually catch their criminals for apprehension and at least this is the one obvious characteristic that we can give the Doberman credit for and that’s its ability to run at a super-fast speed, which ensures a definite catch as it would never give up till it eventually meets the jaw end of its capture that it’s been released to spring after.

If reliability in a dog breed that’s up to police force standards is what is looked for then your Doberman Pinscher would fit the description perfectly since the main objective of any police force is to catch criminals and with the street assistance of the Rottweiler descendant ‘Dobster’ ,there is an increased amount of success here.

3. Belgian Tervueren

Belgian Tervueren

Belgian Tervueren isn’t your average dog breed and the name itself is a similar concord to the word “Terror” and exactly as terrifying as it looks as well. Everybody fears a scary looking hound even if it’s not as dangerous as it appears but the fact that it’s a cheeky ,meat ripping dog in appearance is enough to impact on the minds’ of anybody that wants to take a wild reckless chance of opposing authority figures who have this guard master by their side.

Tervuerens are absolutely hairy dogs and almost resemble the feared appearance of Wolves. Now imagine a wolf that’s tied to a leash as the beast it is, that is going to do everything in its mighty power to bust open into the wild where the hunt of its prey is what it was bred for, if this doesn’t make you feel petrified, and then you should be as this definitely one pet that you don’t underestimate or take for a large cuddly teddy bear. Although capable of being a loving affectionate dog as every other dog would be, its lion look speaks for itself and should immediately notify anything or anybody of a doubtful nature that it’s not to be messed around with.

Belgian Tervuerens Spring into their wolf characters when in line of defense of their human companions as well as being an all-round dog to serve as most things on the force which would include drug detection again as well as bomb sniffing and may other things from being guard dog to sniffer dog to loyal companion and hunter all at the same time.

2. Rottweiler

Best Police Dog Breeds

Every breed has an Alpha Male in their pack. Rottweiler’s are notoriously known for being the most fierce in temperament and aggressive in their actions, guiless and can raise hell from the ground at which you stand on. Despite it not being the biggest dog out there, it sure is one of the bravest, warrior dogs out there and is counted among the best police dog breeds. If size really mattered then, honestly even the elephant would be king of the jungle.

Its bite could snap your finger off within only a simple grip and pull motion making it an extremely vicious and deadly dog to tamper with and somebody would think twice, thrice and four times before trying to run from one or to provoke it by taunting gestures or disrespect of any sorts. Definitely spells masculinity, virility and manhood by claiming its territory from a puppy age. Think about Frothing when you hear the sound “Rottweiler”, having these fearless and courageous traits add an essence of being a hellhound.

That ought to be alarming with caution to every human and other dog too, worse off if you’re a cat in the same home as “Mr Weiler” since if even your scent flickers under the radar of its ever ready sharp and rather piercing roving eyes, this automatically makes a furry cat or mouse a prey of deadly claw stump down destruction along with its finishing teeth ripping move.

1. German Shepherd

German Shepherd

Ranking Number 1 on the list of the 10 best police dog breeds has got to make a bold underlining statement in itself. This is most certainly a ‘German Spec’ Shepherd and can be considered as the Boss in its personality, yes in case you’re wondering, apart from human beings, dogs too have personalities as they are able to interact with us just as our fellow friends and families do with the only difference of not being able to speak, but naturally their unconditional love is still there.

Worldly known as a rather wise old dog that other little ones would look up to due to its father figure approach. Don’t however mistake this one for being a push over as its style of action can be a direct link to the strategic approach of a human in the military. Ever seen a dog with a wit of intelligence and restraint, were looking at a German shepherd. Most of its personality and rather stern approach to everything would derive from its German masters over centuries of grooming and training from the time they are little puppies.

It is has been naturally passed down to the more recent breeds of German Shepherd as well which can be considered as a remarkable act of nature that man hasn’t entirely been in control of. German Shepherds make one of the best police dog breeds for several reasons but the main one here would be due to its astounding attack ability.

Police German Shepherd dogs are among the best police dog breeds and are also trained particularly for search and rescue purposes In the more rural settlements and is known for hardly falling short in this regard and line of duty as it was trained for, come hell or high waters, the dog has proven not to stop at anything until it does what its trained and deployed to do.

These dogs can follow instructions better than some humans would be able to comprehend which is the one thing we can hold the highest of respect for. It is also very versatile and can be placed into any training aspect of which the K9 units where bred for in the Police Force. Apprehending armed suspects are something that dogs in general tend to go beyond their calling for and these Hounds do it with honor even if it means them losing their lives in the call of duty.

If you need a ranger dog to serve by your side as a partner when In the Line of Duty, you can count of the reliability of a German Shepherd being right behind you and will never switch sides of the enemy as a police officer may be persuaded to do at times which honestly makes it one of, if not the best police dog breeds.

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