10 ludicrous things that happened lately

Somethings are so bizarre that they are almost unbelievable. Normal humans cannot fathom what goes on in the mind of someone that plays sick roles like “It” in real life. Yes, there are mass murderers and child murderers in the world who are as cruel and loathsome as the clown itself- maybe more. Speculation aside, we have put together a list of ten ludicrous things that happened lately and yet are insane and unbelievable to have occurred.

10. Pennsylvania and the red balloons on sewers

Pennsylvania and the red balloons on sewers
Stephen King loves to write on clowns and scary ones. The new horror film “It” has been talk of the town because of its intense plot and emotionally laden scenes. It is about a clown that lures kids and then takes them to the sewers. The kids are never seen again. Surprisingly, the clown is too ugly to attract kids in our opinion. In Pennsylvania, people have been playing a prank inspired from “It”. They have been tying red balloons on sewers and the police has been terrified at the prank that actually meant to bring some humour in our lives. They have requested that the balloons not be tied to the sewers again because even the prospect of a kid down there with a sadistic clown scares them- and us. After-all, everybody loves kids.

9. The burning man festival, Nevada and the death of a 41 year old man

The burning man festival, Nevada and the death of a 41 year old man
The Burning Man Festival was initially organized privately by a couple of friends in 1986. Since then, it is celebrated every year. The festival is good because it gives people a chance to express themselves. A yearly theme is chosen by the organizers which the participants follow through their hearts. It allows various forms of expression including sculpture and performance. It takes place at the end of August and stretches a bit into September. Now everything this year was ok until a 41 year old man went into the burning flames of the effigy this year. He ran past security but was later recovered by firemen in a dead form. What made him do that? He probably wanted to be a “burning man”.

8. Earthquakes, Hurricanes and Floods

Hurricane Harvey
The 8.1 intensity earthquake that hit Mexico a few days back was the hardest in a century. Suffice it to say that there would be hardly a person alive who would have seen something like that before. It killed dozens of people. The US had not recovered from the effects of Harvey when Irma rang an alarm. According to many official statements, Irma is nothing like the Americans have seen before. In Trump’s words, “Irma is nothing like we have ever seen before.” As if this wasn’t enough now there is another hurricane named Jose that is currently “looping over the Southwest Atlantic”. It is powerful with winds reaching almost up to 150 mph.

See also; 10 Strongest Earthquakes in History.

7. North Korea is begging for war

North Korea is begging for war
Ever since North Korea has experimented with a Hydrogen bomb, tensions seem to have escalated all over the world. People are calling this a harbinger to the third world war. The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, has called for tougher sanctions on the rogue nation. South Korea responded through military drills, simulating an attack on North Korea’s nuclear testing site. Even more recently, increased sanctions in the form of ban on North Korea’s textile exports, which are only second to coal, have been placed by the UN.

North Korea has gone as far as saying to “sink Japan into the sea and reduce America to ashes” through their nuclear missiles. Where is this going to stop, no one knows? North Korea has been increasingly assertive in increasing and displaying its military power that seems to be advancing by weeks.

6. Hackers stole Instagram account information from thousands of users, including Selena Gomez

10 ludicrous things that happened lately
Hacking aside, the stolen information was sold for $10 per search on a data website called “Doxagram”. The hacking affected thousands of accounts including that of Selena Gomez. It collected user information including phone numbers and email addresses. The bug used for hacking is predominantly released to expose contact information. Instagram apologized and Doxagram was shut down (though it is unknown when or whether it would come back) but despite that there were various celebrity numbers and information floating around on the dark web. These include Emma Watson and the famous GOT Dragon Queen, Emilia Clarke.

5. Death of Zander Venezia, 16 year old surfer

Death of Zander Venezia
Hurricane Irma devastated the Eastern Caribbean and Cuba, killing at least 43 people before falling in Florida where it caused widespread damage and power outage. The power outage itself killed 5 people in the hospital when they could not be attended to. Amidst all this, surfers tried to befriend the waves, no matter how cruel they seemed to be. One such surfer was Venezia who arrived on the east coast of Barbados along with a group of professional surfers to surf on the waves that were being caused by the hurricanes. He was part of the group and not an amateur but the waves showed him no mercy and he was pushed to the rocky oceanic bottom, sustaining injuries that he eventually succumbed to. Talk about riding the waves.

See also; 10 Most Destructive Hurricanes in U.S. History.

4. Donald Trump on DACA

Donald Trump on DACA
DACA or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals protects immigrants that arrived in the US as children. As Donald Trump threatens to state DACA as null and void after six months, it puts 800,000 people at risk. Once their work permits expire, they won’t be able to renew the permits without DACA. In this case they risk deportation like so many other people who are facing issues in the new Trump regime. Latest news is that; According to a deal between Trump and Democratic congressional and Senate leaders is that Dreamers will be allowed to stay in the U.S..

3. End of the world on 23rd September

End of the world on 23rd September
Conspiracy theorists, that follow the bible, have predicted that Planet X could destroy Earth. Many of them believe that worthy humans will be lifted off Earth and taken to heaven by Jesus Christ. Their understanding claims that rapture is the second coming of Jesus Christ. His arrival will mark a tribulation period after which the world will plunge into anarchy. According to the apocalyptic theory, this tribulation period will begin on the 23rd. Astronomers and rationalists have battered the theory with heavy criticism.

The Muslim community which follows the Quran has shunned off the idea as a fickle of imagination. Muslims believe that the arrival of Jesus in the world again would be preceded by certain events, many of which have come true, but the most important signs have still not emerged.

2. Myanmar and Rohingya Muslims

Rohingya people in Myanmar
Fresh outbreak of violence after decades of ethnic tensions have forced hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims to flee Bangladesh. A couple of years ago, we all came across certain footages of people stranded on fishing boats in the sea. They had nowhere to go and begged for help- shaking up the international community and throwing their claims of civilization and betterment in their face. Rohingya are described as the world’s most persecuted people that are systematically discriminated by Myanmar, who consider them illegal immigrants. They predominantly exist in the Rakhine state and speak in dialect common with Bangladesh. The UN’s top human rights official claimed that the military’s response to Rohingya insurgency seemed to be a perfect “textbook example” of ethnic cleansing.

1. Signs in the sky

North Korean missile has flown over Japan

North Korea fired yet another ballistic missile that flew straight over Japan. The projectile according to Jim Mattis, the US Secretary of Defense had put thousands of Japanese into “duck and cover position”. This test would be a very tough one for President Donald Trump and the UN who have so far failed to rein in Pyongyang’s ambitions regarding nuclear power. The US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson urged that China and Russia take direct action on this.

This is the second time in recent weeks that a North Korean missile has flown over Japan. The military did not try to shoot it down. The latest missile traveled 3,700 km which is greater than the previous missile that traveled 2,700 km. President Putin on the other hand has warned Donald Trump and the US that aggression towards North Korea will deteriorate the situation into a large- scale conflict and the only way to bring the temperature down is through talks.

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