10 Most lethal dog diseases by mortality rate

When you adopted your dog you have to face some health problems regarding to your pets. This may be viral, bacterial and parasitic. Route of transmission of disease may vary in all breeds. Some diseases are lethal if you should not follow the instruction of veterinarian.

The top 10 most lethal dog diseases by mortality rate:

1. Canine distemper

Canine distemper Most lethal dog diseases

It is the most lethal dog disease and highly contagious caused by Paramyxovirus. Canine distemper affects the gastrointestinal, respiratory, skin, immune and central nervous system.

There are three way dogs can be damage with this disease:

  • Through direct contact
  • Through airborne exposure
  • Through the placenta

Neurological symptoms of canine distemper include:

  • muscle twitching
  • chewing gum fits
  • head tilt
  • Circling
  • excessive saliva
  • A diphasic fever
  • Leukopenia

Diagnosis of canine distemper should be considered in the diagnosis of the febrile condition in affected dogs with multisystemic manifestations.

Sometime characteristic signs appear at the end of stage, at this stage your pet is in very serious condition.

Canine distemper can be confused with other disease like leptospira, infectious canine hepatitis and Rocky Mountain spotted. Identify on the basis of PCR.

Symptomatic and supportive treatment started to avoid from secondary infection along with fluid therapy. Unfortunately in case of acute neurological manifestation of distemper frequently unsuccessful.

Vaccination of Canine distemper is only the solution to avoid this viral disease.

2. Canine parvovirus

Canine parvovirus

Very small virus single-stranded DNA that cause a disease parvovirus disease in dogs. The gastrointestinal tract and lymphatic system can be damaged at any age of the animal, leading to vomiting, diarrhea and immunosuppressive. It also affect human and other animals.

The virus can spread through airborne droplets when an infected puppy coughs or sneezes. It may also spread through contaminated blood products. Virus can be travel in case of pregnancy mother to fetus through placenta. In case of parvovirus the symptom fatid odor, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, loss of weight and loss of appetite.

Continuous vomiting and diarrhea will reduce rapidly water and electrolyte from body as a result it will lead to critically stage and if treatment not started on the right time it will be dangerous for your puppy life. Secondary infection may occur due to weak immune system, all these factors leads to shock that may be convert into death.

As you seen symptom consult veterinarian and start treatment as soon as possible because your pet loss it’s energy and dehydrate, provide Ns saline and some injection. Saline should continue twice a day with antibiotic to avoid from secondary infection. Recovery may be start from 10 to 12 hours after start treatment but it would be took long time, depend upon the condition of your pets.

3. Rabies

Rabies Most lethal dog diseases

Rabies is one of the most deadly viral diseases of the dog that everyone heard of. It is the virus that is always fatal. Another reason for this disease that can be feared is that humans can get infections from infected dogs by bitten or scratch.

This disease can be transferred through the saliva of infected animals which leads to brain infection. The incubation period may be started from two days and lead to 6 years. Sign and symptom are as follow:

  • The first is flue like
  • Sore throat and cough
  • Headache and anxiety
  • Aggression and convulsions
  • Hypersalivation and hydrophobia
  • Paralysis
  • Coma which leads to death

It is caused by the rabies virus which affects the central nervous system. The virus can be transmitted through organ transplants. Your pet can be safe by properly followed vaccination and avoid approaching wild animals. In case of complication myocarditis, acute renal failure.

4. Cancer

Most lethal dog disease cancer

Cancer leading cause of death in dogs that can develop carcinoma. It is estimated that one in three domestic dogs will develop cancer. Pure breeds are highly at risk for some kind of cancer. Seven types of cancer that can affect badly your pets.

  1. Malignant Lymphoma is the most common type of cancer that affects dogs
  2. Osteosarcoma most common bone cancer that occurs in dogs.
  3. Hemangiosarcoma affects the lining of blood cells.
  4. Melanoma is a type of cancer that is associated with pigment cells called melanocytes.
  5. Mammary Gland Carcinoma, breast cancer most common in dogs and may also cause enlargement of lymph nodes.
  6. Transitional Cell Carcinoma is a type of cancer that commonly affects the bladder and urethra.
  7. Mast Cell Tumor is the most common type of skin tumor in dogs.

Several factors are involved like genetic components seems in some breed. You can be kept your pet safe by vaccination and keep indoor.

5. Fungal Infections

fungal infections in dogs

While most fungal infections in dogs are minor annoyances, others can be highly serious and even deadly in certain cases.

Fungal infections that affect only a dog’s skin are readily treated, but those that affect the entire body, particularly if they spread to the lungs, liver, or brain, are hazardous.

Histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, Valley Fever, and cryptococcosis are the most dangerous fungal illnesses in dogs.

6. Valley Fever

Most lethal dog disease Valley Fever

Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) is a non-contagious, dust-borne ailment that dogs can get. It’s usually found in the southwestern United States’ arid areas and southern California’s valleys. 
When periods of heavy rain are followed by dryness, which causes dust storms, epidemics are widespread.

Valley Fever in dogs begins as a respiratory infection that can extend to other bodily parts, including the joints, bones, and eyes.

The degree of the illness and the organs affected determine the symptoms. Loss of appetite, cough, lethargy, fever, swollen joints, and diarrheas are all symptoms. Ulcers can also form on a dog’s skin.

Antifungal drugs are typically prescribed, and treatment might continue anywhere from six months to a year.

7. Cryptococcosis

Cryptococcosis Most lethal dog diseases

Cryptococcosis (cryptococcus neoformans) is a fungus that may be found in soil all around the world, but it’s most common in pigeon droppings.

The respiratory tract, eyes, skin, and central nervous system of dogs are all affected by this condition.

Inflammation of the eye and bleeding in the retina are the most common symptoms of cryptococcosis in dogs.

Other typical symptoms include head tilting, facial nerve paralysis, poor coordination, and seizures, which are all connected to the central nervous system.

Various antifungal medicines are used to treat the condition, which can last for many months in the most severe cases. If a dog’s nose or nasal cavity has lesions, surgery may be required.

8. Kidney Failure

Dog Kidney Failure

Kidney failure in dogs is a disorder that can occur on its own or as a result of complications from drugs or other conditions.

Chronic kidney failure is the type that develops on its own and is frequently caused by a hereditary predisposition, which means it cannot be prevented.

Dental illness is the only cause of renal failure that may be avoided. Acute renal failure strikes quickly and can be fatal.

Both of these illnesses can be deadly to dogs, although chronic renal failure takes longer to develop. Acute renal failure, on the other hand, may be treated.

In addition, aged dogs are more likely to have chronic renal disease. Over the course of their lives, more than one out of every ten dogs will acquire renal illness.

Increased thirst, increased or reduced urine, lack of bladder control, lethargy, and decreased appetite are all signs of canine kidney failure.

9. Bloat

Bloat in Dogs

Canine bloat, also known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), is a hazardous health disease in which a dog’s stomach twists and fills with gas.

While the actual cause of bloat is uncertain, it is more common in big or giant breeds. Additionally, male dogs are more prone to bloat.

This syndrome is said to be caused by eating a huge amount of food or eating too quickly, as well as eating from an elevated dish. Another aspect that may have a role is stress.

GDV is harmful in dogs because the stomach can press on the diaphragm, causing breathing issues. It can also cause the stomach of a dog to burst, causing harm to many tissues, including the spleen’s tissues.

If left unchecked, canine bloat can result in death.

Fortunately, bloat signs are rather obvious, and if you detect any of them, take your dog to the veterinarian right once.

10. Lyme disease

Dog Lyme disease

This is a tick-borne sickness that, if left untreated, can be deadly, albeit this is not a regular occurrence.

Lyme disease can spread quickly because an infected tick only has to be connected to your dog for 36-48 hours before it infects him. It may also be found all over the planet, with the exception of Antarctica.

Vaccination administered by a competent physician can help to avoid the condition.

Lameness in the limbs is the most prevalent sign of Lyme disease in dogs. Lethargy, fever, and swollen lymph nodes are all possible symptoms, as well as joint stiffness and lack of appetite.

The most dangerous sign of Lyme disease is kidney failure, which occurs only if the infection is left untreated.

Antibiotic medication with Amoxicillin or Doxycycline works successfully for the great majority of dogs.

Symptoms normally go away after four weeks, although in certain cases, symptoms might last longer.

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