10 Super Cool Ways to Boost Your Water Intake

Water – the most essential and basic need of our body. It not only removes toxins from the body but also keeps health problems like dehydration, indigestion and fatigue under control. It happens that despite knowing all the wonderful things water does for our body, we miss out on its daily intake. So here are some fun ways to boost your water intake!

1. Replace the boring glass of water with high water content food

boost your water intake
Water, no matter how beneficial, is plain and gets boring beyond a point. So why not consider some good alternatives! Well, there are ample of high water content food that can help you meet your body’s water requirement. Hydrating fruits and veggies like watermelon, apple, broccoli, orange, berries, carrot and cucumber are amazing alternatives. Also foods like cereals and grains have a good amount of water.

2. Cut down on coffee

boost your water intake
Drinks like coffee and cola have a diuretic effect. These can leave you feeling dehydrated. So better skip on that cup of coffee or glass of soda, and instead reach out for a glass of water! Another great thing you can do is to replace your morning cup of coffee with green tea. Green tea has slightly less caffeine than coffee and is packed with health benefits.

3. Drink with a straw

boost your water intake
Isn’t it a cool and interesting idea! Apparently, drinking with a straw lets you sip in more water in less time. So why not try it out!

4. Go for liquid foods when you feel like snacking

boost your water intake
Liquid food items like juices and smoothies are high on water content and are made from fruits that are rich in H2O. So whenever you feel like snacking, a healthy smoothie will not only ease your craving but also infuse more liquid into your body!

5. Let your smartphone do the trick

boost your water intake
With so many creative applications available in the Apple and Android markets, why not install one that keeps track of your water intake! By sending timely reminders and showing related stats, a water app will encourage you to have more H2O. If not an app, then you can yourself set reminders on your phone. Just do not leave any chance of forgetting to drink WATER!

6. Invest in a fancy bottle

boost your water intake
That can work as an incentive! With so many beautiful and creative options, whether in style, shape, colors or design, a nice looking water bottle can do the trick for you (fancy glasses can be equally effective)! Make your water bottle your companion, take it wherever you go, and keep sipping!

7. Put more water in your drinks

boost your water intake
Diluting your mocktails, iced tea or lemonade with more of water will do dual benefit to you. Firstly, you get to drink more of water. Secondly, you can enjoy the flavor without consuming many calories.

8. Make water more appealing

boost your water intake
How about turning your glass of plain water into a jazzed up flavored drink! Put in some slices of lemon or fresh mint leaves and enjoy your dose of H2O.

9. Flavored ice cubes

boost your water intake
If adding a flavor to your glass of water several times a day sounds like work, then why not prepare flavored ice cubes in one go. Cut a fruit of your choice into tiny pieces and put it in the ice tray with some water. Add these cubes to your glass of water and make the sipping interesting!

10. Set water rituals

boost your water intake

The idea of water ritual is to ensure a healthy intake of water through promise or social commitment. You can bet with your family members or colleagues over who drinks more water in a day or you can team up with them to have regular water breaks together.

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