12 Cats of Zodiac – Which one is Yours?

Do you know that like dogs for each zodiac sign, there is a specific cat for each sign? Interesting right? Cats are awesome animals and for the ones who have them at home, they can offer numerous health and mental benefits.

12) Aries: Egyptian Mau

Egyptian mau cat

You’re a gutsy leader who is always ready for the next adventure and seldom pausing to consider consequences before barreling ahead. Even though you’re a formidable enemy when enraged, you’re generally a pleasant companion who enjoys socializing and developing a devoted following. You’re an Egyptian Mau.

These go-getters are daring pranksters who love climbing to new s; Chasing new toys, and, sadly, discovering fresh places to scratch. The Egyptian Mau is well-suited to living in homes with a large cat tree and a variety of unique cat furnishings and games to divert attention. They are incredibly fast also.

11) Taurus: Bengal

Bengal Cat Breed

You might be a bull, not the most dainty of creatures. But you’re attracted to finer things and aspire for a life of luxury and indulgence in beautiful surroundings. You want physical contact on a regular basis and are continuously dedicated to whatever assignment you’re working on. You’re a Bengal.

They’re usually big, have unwavering resolve, and are capable of bringing devastation to delicate settings packed with breakable objects. These felines are very attractive and exotic looking also.

10) Gemini: Siamese

Siamese cat breed

You have a reputation for being a social butterfly with so many interests that you frequently find yourself pulled in two directions at the same time, and you have a hard time keeping your mouth shut. People enjoy your witty commentary, but it may go on forever. You’re always looking for new experiences to try out and tell your friends about them. You are a Siamese.

The Siamese, being the most talkative of all cats, has a lot to say about everything and will spend much of the day replying to anyone who will listen. They do tend to jump from one activity (or person) to the next without warning, but this is more due to their intellect than snobbery.

9) Cancer: Persian

Persian Cats of Zodiac

You’re a more withdrawn type who likes sitting at home during the day than going out on the town and some may find it tough to get through your hardened shell, but those that do will discover you to be trustworthy and loyal. You don’t need much to make you happy; all that matters is that your own space is properly equipped with the things you love. You are a Persian.

The Persians exude royalty, flaunting their majesty and refinement wherever they go, but they don’t consider humans to be their serfs. They enjoy a life of tranquility, which is most often found in quiet surroundings away from people, thus many people refer to them as aloof.

Also read; 10 most expensive cat breeds.

8) Leo: Maine Coon

Maine Coon Cats of Zodiac

You have a commanding presence and a big personality that attract people to your orbit, and you love the attention as much as any monarch of the jungle. Though jealousy may be your downfall, you’re generally concerned with establishing connections rather than tearing them down, and you’re a fierce defender of your pals and family. Nobody questions your hunting skill. You’re a Maine Coon.

Maine Coons are a breed of domestic cat known for mousing and keeping any area clear of intruders with centuries-old hunting skills, but the first thing you’ll notice about these house cats is their enormous size, followed quickly by their magnificent manes. The biggest house cat ever recorded was a Maine Coon, and they are quite muscular and strong also.

7) Virgo: Burmese

Burmese Cats of Zodiac

You know everything there is to know about your immediate environment since your attention to detail is remarkable, which makes you a dependable rock for many of your friends.

Despite the fact that you approach most circumstances with a data-driven and goal-oriented mindset, you’re compassionate and sensitive when it comes to providing advice and need frequent interaction with people in order to be in peace, You are a Burmese.

The Burmese are about as non-threatening as they come, but it’s difficult to believe this little cat could have so much power. Its personality is very steady and secure, and the Burmese build reflects this.

Because it’s essential to keep track of every detail, the Burmese will closely monitor everything you do, but only to assist you if needed.

6) Libra: Ragdoll

Ragdoll Cats of Zodiac

You have a very balanced lifestyle. Your way of life is characterized by harmony and equilibrium, and that includes a strong affection for your other half. You’re also nice and fair to everyone who wants to be your friend. And the peaceful ambiance surrounding you makes people feel welcome in your company. You’re a Ragdoll.

Ragdolls are wonderful housemates like any good Libra. They’re low-maintenance buddies that are content to remain alone but will immediately leap for joy when you return, ready to embrace you with open paws and a cuddle. They’re as fair as cats get, eager to learn your regulations and obey them in order to live harmoniously.

5) Scorpio: Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex Cat

You’ll be ecstatic with a large, boisterous life and will go after it no matter what others may think of your plans or strategies. As a result, people focus on the poisonous ‘treatment’ they’ll get for opposing your objective, but you’re not an attacker; it’s only self-defense.

In reality, you’re a driven individual who aspires to the top of the world’s possibilities. You’re willing to put yourself out there to earn your affection, and many find your behavior charming. You’re a Cornish Rex.

The Cornish Rex may be unemotional, stoic, or energetic, depending on the situation (i.e., influence people). This cat has an undeniable charisma that draws others to see what new antics he’ll perform next. And it isn’t one to sit back when there are mountains to climb.

4) Sagittarius: Abyssinian

Abyssinian Cats of Zodiac

You have the travel bug, and you’ve always had it. You can’t wait to see and do everything, and you’re ready to regale the masses with all of your knowledge when you get back. You’re experienced and like to come home and share your stories. You do not like limitations. You are an Abyssinian.

The Abyssinian will not allow time to pass him by. Perhaps the most daring domestic cat breed is the Aby; Which is too inquisitive to miss any opportunity and clever enough to execute any goal that may be imagined.

Aby, being a true Sagittarius, must have a loving family to return home to after each adventure—and better yet, there may be another curious companion cat with whom to share the experience.

3) Capricorn: Devon Rex

Devon Rex Cat

You’re a taskmaster who will follow any plan to completion, no matter the cost, and you can’t be sidetracked. Some people perceive you as cold and emotionless because of your unwavering dedication to climbing every rung. But those who know you well understand that you have a deep sense of love. You have a playful side that is great for humor. You are a Devon Rex.

The Devon Rex is a thinker with an always-active brain. So a home full of thoughtful toys and social interactions is ideal, but don’t expect this cat to tell you everything he’s thinking. The Devon Rex is likely to be there for almost all activity, monitoring and assessing everything. But the conversation is for the right ears at the correct moment.

The Devon Rex may have a rougher appearance than many people would anticipate from a cat. But those willing to meet it will discover it soft and comforting. The Devon Rex is renowned for perching above everyone else.

2) Aquarius: Scottish Fold

Cats of Zodiac

Convention is your worst enemy. You want to change the world, so you prefer to start with artistic expression rather than bowing to tradition or being placed into a preconceived box.

You’re an individual, but that doesn’t imply you’re lonely. Joining groups of people who are fighting for the same cause as you help you flourish as a humanitarian. You are a Scottish Fold.

The Scottish Fold is not your average cat, as the name implies. The breed’s moniker refers to the cat’s attention-grabbing folded ears, but they aren’t the only peculiarity about it.

Despite being biologically “normal,” the Scottish Fold may be discovered in a variety of odd postures, such as; Standing on its hind legs or squatting in a less impressive manner.

Unconventional to the core!

1) Pisces: American Bobtail

Cats of Zodiac

You’re extremely adaptable, effortlessly fitting in with any group and finding a footing in any scenario. You have a level of emotional intelligence that is off the charts; So you’re the one everyone turns to when they don’t have time for their current problems or don’t feel like dealing with them. Your intuition is priceless but you easily get carried away.

The American Bobtail is a cat that everyone can count on. This cat is a lover who wants to make its human family happy and usually knows how to succeed. The American Bobtail is adaptable, going wherever the current flows as if the physical world didn’t matter.

Most cats are territorial to a fault, but the American Bobtail is unusually flexible and will go anywhere from room to room without fear of being attacked.

Hope you enjoyed our list of Cats of Zodiac. Which one is your zodiac kitty? Let us know!

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