The top 10 deadliest snakes in the world

Around the world, there exists a little of snake species which are capable of causing harm or even death to humans. These species not only have a lethally bite in/ and of itself, but also most of them considered as venomous snakes and cause the highest rates of human deaths due to their violent behavior and potent venom. This article illustrates and explains the 10 deadliest snakes which are currently known to exist, based on an analysis of both the overall toxicity and potential for human mortalities in the absence of medicines or appropriate antivenom.

10. Black mamba ( Dendroaspis polylepis)

Black mamba

The black mamba is a species of extremely venomous snake that locates in sub-Saharan Africa. This particular serpent can exist in both grounds as well as trees usually found along savannas, woodlands and forests. These snakes primarily depend on birds and other small animals.  The mamba is also considered as one of the longest deadly snake in the world which is approximately 10 feet in length and some have even reached lengths of closely 14.8 feet.  Their colors can vary into grey, olive or dark brown with adults being far darker than young mambas.  Because of the color of its inner mouth- a gaping black maw it displays when threatened, is one of the reasons why it acquires the name black mamba.

The black mamba, unlike other snakes, usually brings about multiple bites when it strikes. Its venom, primarily a neurotoxin induces symptoms within about 10 minutes and is fatal if treatments not provided rapidly.  Like many other venomous snake bites, a black mamba doesn’t cause in local swelling and necrosis rather causes severe tingling, neurological dysfunction, blurred vision and paralysis of the respiratory system. Not only that but also extreme drowsiness, inability to speak, nausea, vomiting and extreme sweating are also common.

9. Belcher’s sea snake( Hydrophis belcheri)

Belcher’s sea snake

The belches’ sea snake is an extremely venomous snake and considered as one of the most poisonous snake in the world. The snake is relatively small in size; 1.5-3.3 feet in length with a slender body and a yellow base with green cross bands. It exists commonly in the Indian Ocean, as well as the Philippines, gulf of Thailand, the Solomon Islands and the northwest coasts of Australia. The belcher’s sea snake is so poisonous that a single bite can kill a victim in less than 30 minutes. Its venom consists of high levels of neurotoxins and myotoxins. It is studied that one drop of its venom is to be strong enough to kill 1800 people. Symptoms include extreme abdominal pain, extreme bleeding, renal failure and respiratory failure.

8. Philippine cobra ( Naja philippinensis)

Philippine cobra deadliest snakes

Philippine cobra, which is a highly venomous species of snakes, exists in the northernmost corners of the Philippine islands. The species is quite sturdy and owns a hood that can be raised when in danger. The average length of this cobra may reach to approximately 3.3 feet and more likely to be brown in color.  These snakes have a neurotoxin that directly affects the respiratory system and the venom is extremely powerful. It is known to cause paralysis of the neuromuscular system. 

Symptoms of a cobra’s bite often appear very rapidly within about 30 minutes and these include vomiting, migraines, abdominal pain, dizziness and also difficulty in breathing.

The venom itself is deadly means the potential treatments are not always successful and usually results in death. Apart from biting the Philippine cobra even has the ability to spit its venom to potential victims which cause serious damages to the eyes which results permanent blindness.

7. Death Adder ( Acanthophis antarcticus)

Death Adder

The death adder is considered as one of the deadliest elapid snake found in Australia, New Guinea and the surrounding region. This species has a viper-like appearance. Death adders are quire short in which can grow at least 1.3 feet in length. They possess triangular heads and small scales adorning their bodies. Also they own large fangs and can take on a reddish yellow, brown or greenish-grey hue. The death adder often lies in wait for its prey and ambushes possible victims with lightning-fast attacks. It is very amazing how the death adder can strike its target and inject its venom within seconds.

The death adder as the name implies, has a deadly neurotoxin which often causes paralysis as well as a complete respiratory system shutdown and ultimately results in death within 6 hours. Although ant venoms have been developed, deaths still happen from their bites as those ant venoms can only be able to slow down the progression of symptoms to a degree.

6. Russell’s viper ( Daboia russelii)

Russell's viper deadliest snakes

Russelss’s viper, also known as the chain viper is a venomous snake which is found predominately in Southeast Asia, China, Taiwan and India. Vipers are quite common and are normally found in grasslands or bushy areas and tend to avoid forested regions, as well as marshes. One of the chain viper’s primary food sources are rodents. As a result, these snakes are usually found around human settlements. Chain vipers composed of flat, triangular heads, along with rounded and raised snouts. Their color pattern typically yellow, tan and brown and can vary by snake.

These deadly snakes can extend its length until 5.5. Feet. Chain vipers produce a significant amount of venom in their bites, which are deadly to humans in doses between 40-70 milligrams. Commonly, the symptoms include excessive bleeding, a rapid drop in blood pressure, vomiting, kidney failure and also blood clotting. Although an anti-venom is available, the pain upon biting often continues for approximately four weeks and ultimately causes severe tissue damage.

5. Blue krait ( Bungarus candidus)

Blue krait

The blue krait is also a highly venomous snake of the elapid family.  It can grow at least up to 3.6 feet in length and upholds a color pattern of bluish-black cross bands which are separated by yellowish-white interspaces. The blue krait is found principally in Southeast Asia including Indonesia, Thailand and in often near rivers, lakes and ponds. It mainly feed on mice, other snakes and small rodents. The blue krait’s venom is highly potent and consists of extremely powerful neurotoxins that has the ability to paralyze its victim’s muscular system resulting inability to speak or think clearly also when upon attacking to respiratory system causes suffocation resulting inability to breath.

4. Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)

Inland Taipan deadliest snakes

The Taipan is considered as one of the deadliest snakes in the world today because of its severity in venom. It can reach up to 5.9 feet in length and primarily depends on rats along with other small animals. The Taipan resides mainly along the northeast coast of Queensland, as well as the southern sector of Papua New Guinea. Its venom contains high level of neurotoxins and even from a one bite can cause headache, convulsions and respiratory paralysis within 1-2 hours.

3. Eastern brown ( Pseudonaja textilis)

Eastern brown snake

Eastern browns reside in nearly all environments, except for dense forests around Australia and southern New Guinea. They are most common around farms as they mainly consume house mice.

This extremely deadly serpent is quite slender in appearance and can reach an average length of 5.0- 6.6 feet. As the name implies, eastern brown is typically brown in color and may have blackish appearance as well. They are well recognized for their small fangs, dark tongues and dark black eyes. They tend to be more active during the daylight hours. The venom of this snake is extremely deadly but it has been investigated that the bites from this snake have a fairly low mortality rate –approximately 10% – as the snake does not typically deliver a high volume of venom with each bite. Symptoms include a sudden drop of blood pressure, severe bleeding, heart failure and kidney failure. Depending on the amount of venom injected during the bite, some individuals may develop symptoms very rapidly within minutes.

2. Tiger snake ( Notechis scutatus)

Tiger snake deadliest snakes

The tiger snake is another highly venomous serpent which exists along the southern sector of Australia and Tasmania particularly in coastal regions, wetlands and marshes. Depending on their location, these snakes consists of large variety of colors like olive, yellow, orange, brown and black. It can reach its length up to 3.9 feet. Considering the venom of tiger snake, it is composed of highly potent myotoxins, neurotoxins and coagulants. Symptoms of their bite may include extreme pain in the neck and the foot, paralysis and of course trouble breathing. Fortunately there is effective anti-venom and it may save the life if provided in time.

1. Rattlesnake ( Crotalus scutulatus )

Rattlesnake deadliest snakes

Rattlesnake, also known as Mojave green, is one of the highly deadliest and venomous pit-viper species. They inhabits primarily in the desert regions of the southwestern United States and also central Mexico. Most of the Rattlesnakes grows around 3.3 feet in length. The snake’s color fluctuates from light green to brown, letting to easily blend with its nearby surroundings. However, Bites from the rattlesnakes often have delayed symptoms, but within hours or so vision problems, muscle weakness and also difficulty in swallowing can be happen. Besides, the venom usually causes difficulty breathing and thus leads to respiratory failure and ultimately to death. Furthermore the fatalities relatively rare now because of the finding of CroFab anti venom which gives highly effective neutralizing effects.

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