10 Weird Stuff We Do When We Are Absent Minded

We are constantly told that we have to concentrate but we are rarely able to pull that off. This is because our minds are designed to drift away every now and then. There are many weird things that we end up doing when we are absent minded. Here are some of the craziest things that we will typically do and chances are that you do some of them as well!

1. Picking your nose

Weird Stuff We Do
Image Courtesy: wikihow.com

This is certainly something that most of us will try to avoid doing in public places. Most of us are not even aware of the immediate surroundings while doing this. However, if some loved one catches us doing this, it is best to pretend that you were just about to sneeze. It can be safely said that pleasure trumps social customs often!

See Also: Top 10 Mysteries of Human Behaviour.

2. Enjoying that makeshift ear bud

Weird Stuff We Do
When we were children, our parents used to tell us to take care and not put that pen refill into our ears to clear out ear wax ever. There are obviously ear buds that are meant to do that task. But we all know that there is something irresistibly alluring about the forbidden fruit! Oh! The joys of the rolled paper or the refill inside our ears!

See Also; 10 Most Bizarre Things We do in Our Daily Life.

3. Drawing crazy cartoons mocking teachers or bosses

Weird Stuff We Do
Whether we are rebels or conformists in public sphere, we do stuff that can be considered revolting by any standards any day! Don’t believe me? Just check out the back page of your copies and you will see the stuff you have done about your teachers and bosses or perhaps even classmates and colleagues that you will rather not let anyone else see!

4. Humming that tune

Weird Stuff We Do
It may not be a song that you necessarily like. Heck, it may even be one that you absolutely despise but unfortunately that is exactly why they call it earworm. In other words, some songs just won’t budge; they will keep lingering in your head. When you are lost in some other world and singing away that song, you will stop only when someone says “Will you please stop it, for crying out loud?”

5. Chewing the pencil

Weird Stuff We Do
This probably is done by the more naïve and immature among us but who can really claim that they never behave in an immature manner? Besides, don’t we always wish that we hadn’t grown up? While pen refill has a close affinity for the ears, the teeth seem to share an intimate relation with the pencils! You may be ashamed to look at the pencil’s condition as an aftermath of your chewing exercise!

See Also: 10 Bizarre Tales of Chewing Gum.

6. Checking out that hot classmate or colleague

Weird Stuff We Do
Come on now, admit it. Even you must have done it. Even if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend, chances are you fantasize about at least one of those hot boys or girls. It comes pretty naturally to us. However, it is a well guarded secret and you needn’t worry – it is safe with us!

7. Contemplating the next vacation

Weird Stuff We Do
Let us admit it, none of us really love the work in the office or going to school or college. After all, who likes the mundane routine everyday existence? We all want a break and what better way to do it than to spend the weekend in some exotic sea beach or serene forest or chilly mountain? Of course, in the absence of that opportunity, the immediate next best thing is to daydream about it!

8. Scratching your head

Weird Stuff We Do
Literally, yes! In fact, this is yet another utility of the pen; the pen’s cap, to be precise. Of course once in a blue moon we do think about writing with the pen, but who cares about writing when there are far better things to do, like scratching with the cap or using the refill to tweak our ears? Some of us may actually regret this later on in life – this may lead to hair fall and early balding!

See Also: 10 Annoying Habits You Should Avoid in Public.

9. Making origami

Weird Stuff We Do
Perhaps the teachers of Fine Arts in our schools would have never imagined that the stuff they taught us will end up as what distracts us in the lectures of other teachers! That said, it is perhaps because we don’t like the teaching of some that we actually get distracted and make chairs, planes, rockets and what not with pieces of paper!

10. Smelling books

Weird Stuff We Do

Like pens and pencils, most of us like books less for the stipulated purpose than for other positive externalities! In case of books, perhaps few individuals exist who have never tried to check out the distinct smell that a book emanates. Of course, like in every other case, choices are heterogeneous. In this case too, some will prefer the smell of new books while some will stick their nose, literally, into older ones!

Written By: Kisholoy Mukherjee

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