Top 10 Most Corrupt Politicians in The World

The world of politics is always filled with corrupt politicians. We all know them! The corrupt politicians who line their pockets at the expense of the people they’re supposed to represent. Here, we’ll take a look at the TOP 10 most corrupt politicians in the world 2024.

TOP 10 most corrupt politicians in the world 2024.

Here are top 10 of the world’s most corrupt politicians as of 2024. Ex-prime minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif top the list with corruption of round about $30 billion. Followed by Russian president Vladimir Putin, Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz, Asif Ali Zardari and prime minister of India, Narendra Modi.

Nawaz Sharif and Zardari family have the highest reputation in the world for corruption. Nawaz and Zardari families are mentioned anywhere in the world when an example of corruption is given. In the recent 2024 Pakistan election, these two parties set a grand example of corruption by stealing the votes of the people. Not only corruption but now also known as “Mandate Thieves” all over the world.

most corrupt politicians in the world 2018

1. Nawaz Sharif (Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan)

The Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif ranked as world’s most corrupt politician right now. Nawaz Shrif, the three time elected prime minister of Pakistan is also one of the richest people of Pakistan. His publicly disclosed net worth is around ?150 billion (US$1.4 billion). He and his family own many real estate properties, steel mills, factories, rice mills, flour mills and sugar mills all over the country and abroad.

Recently, he was disqualified against worst corruption charges by the supreme court of Pakistan. He was at the heart of the Panama Papers leak. And, declared the most corrupt man in history of Pakistan politics.

According to Panama Papers, Nawaz Sharif and his family done a high level of corruption with $418 million. Since 1985, when he became the Chief Minister of Punjab, until 2017, he looted Pakistani assets brutally. He along with his family made assets of around $30 billion with this corruption money. The family owns many well-established businesses around the world.

2. Asif Ali Zardari (Former President of Pakistan)

Journey from stealing money to stealing votes – Asif Zardar and Nawaz Sharif are the uncrowned kings of corruption. From money laundering to mandated thieves, Mr. Nawaz and Zardari are not only considered as a sign of dishonor in Pakistan but also in the whole world.

Known as an intelligent, clever and highly corrupt politician in history of Pakistan. He was at TOP position in corruption ranking but following the release of the Panama Papers, Nawaz Sharif replaced him. In addition, he is one of the richest people of Pakistan. Zardari has many allegations of corruption and misuse of powers including the charge of murder of Benazir Bhutto among many others.

3. Vladimir Putin (President of Russia)

The second most corrupt politician in the world 2023 is Putin. Interesting! the world’s most powerful man also known as the most corrupt. Vladimir Putin, who was three time elected Prime minister of Russia, currently he is the president of Russia since 2012. Throughout his career, he has enjoyed high domestic approval ratings and received extensive international attention as one of the world’s most powerful leaders.

4. Salman bin Abdulaziz (King of Saudi Arabia)

The Saudi royal statesman and politician Salman bin Abdulaziz named third most corrupt politician in the world. He has been King of Saudi Arabia, Prime Minister, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and head of the House of Saud.

5. Narendra Modi (Prime Minister of India)

Narendra Modi comes at No. 5 in the list of most corrupt politicians. After Nawaz Shareef, Putin and King Salman, he is the 4th most corrupt Prime Minister in the world.

6. Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan (King of U.A.E)

The President of the United Arab Emirates, Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan is at No. 5 amongst world’s most corrupt politicians. According to Panama Papers, he made around $150 billion assets from the misuse of the treasury.

7. David Cameron ( Former Prime Minister of UK)

The Ex-Prime Minister of United Kingdom also labeled as the world’s most corrupt politician. David Cameron, although belong to the richest family, but has some allegations of corruption and establish an offshore company.

8. Kim Jong UN (President of North Korea)

The president of North Korea, Kim Jong UN comes at No. 8 position among corrupt politicians for many reasons.

9. Petro Poroshenko ( Ex-President of Ukraine)

Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko is the ex-President of Ukraine (2014 to 2019). Ranked at ninth place on our list of 10 most corrupt politicians in the world 2023. He is known as the destroyer of Ukraine economy. According to Ukraine Accountability Bearue, he looted more than $3 billion.

10. Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson (Prime Minister of Iceland)

The youngest prime minister of Iceland, Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson also ranked amongst the world’s most corrupt politicians. Although he is rtired from his seat following the release of the Panama Papers in 2016.

Other most corrupt politicians in the world of all time.

In this fast paced world, there are many corrupt individuals who are notoriously famous for their illegal and unlawful deeds at the cost of state taxes and other funds that don’t belong to them. Situations of this nature has spread throughout the world and isn’t uncommon in most cases. Below are 10 of the most corrupt politicians of the world.

You may already have prior knowledge of some of them, however it’s time to bring to light about these politicians darkness that they have been shadowing in for the duration of their seats in their cheated positions until being exposed and de-badged of their statuses.

11. Joseph Estrada

Former President of the Philippines

Most Corrupt Politicians

At the very beginning, before he has been officially elected as president, he used the art of manipulation to create a “land of make believe” by using the poverty circumstances of the majority of the Philippines against them in order to aid in his campaign and manifesto which obviously helped in his election process as he somehow predicted that , it’s the only way to gain the respect and voting favor of the lower class first so that the higher society members could recognize him as being a true president that is there to genuinely improve the well-being of the people starting from the lowest to the highest in society.

To his shame, there was obviously an ulterior motive behind his charade that he managed to put on as his won the votes and has been elected as president of the Philippines in those years.

Joseph now counted among the most corrupt politicians of the world, had started off as an Actor in his early life and no wonder he was able to pull this off successfully in deceiving the people who genuinely believed and saw a ray of hope in him. He has been corrupt since before he even became president, and sadly the Philippines were too vulnerable to see it. Estrada has been accused and brought to books and is believed to have taken more than $80 Million in bribes and corrupt dealings.

12. Arnoldo Aleman

Former President of Nicaragua

Most Corrupt Politicians

Being the 81st President of any country should be a huge honor to every Man, regardless of how many Presidents were before you, the ‘President’ title simply means, head of the Nation, Leader of an entire country, World recognition, being an official part of a country’s history etc.

However some people seem to not realize the novelty, importance, honor and integrity of their Presidential titles and tend to abuse the privileges handed to them by the state. Presidents are under oath too, however for some people like Arnoldo, all this doesn’t mean as much as having all of the world’s rich’s that exceeds his pay which was bound to spark and arouse suspicions.

Aleman has pursued the career of being a Lawyer before presidency and that alone should tell you that his Oath and promise to the law, the country, should have been stronger than ever. We may give credit to his personal success as a lawyer, then running for Mayor of Nicaragua and then President and then one of the most corrupt politicians ever!

Quite an outstanding and successful career development in politics and business too and the perfect way to be sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment for corruption by the embezzlement of more than $100 Million from Nicaragua’s Treasury.

13. Pavlo Lazarenko

Former Prime minister of Ukraine

Most Corrupt Politicians

The common pattern amongst each of these corrupt organisations or individuals is that each one sets a trend that goes higher than the last corrupted individual. It’s strangely almost like a competition of who can steal the most amount of money or be the nations most corrupted politicians. It is rather amazing and uninformed as well, what some individuals would to do gain a place in the history of the world but for the wrong reasons.

Pavlo on the other hand seems to have done extremely well in his illegal and unlawful acts during the duration of his time as just a mere PM (Prime Minister), not even the President in this case. Still regardless of being the Prime Minister, it was in Pavlo’s plan to use the President as a shield or to divert all attention from him, so that he could continue to go on his quest for fraudulent activities that are to the estimated corruption value of $200 Million which seems to have mysteriously disappeared and later revealed that part of it has been used to sign a$10 billion dollar deal abusing Office rights and terms.

Most definitely creates a big Title on the forehead of Pavlo to have been one of the most corrupt politicians of the world to have been able to sneak a value of $200 Million under the carpet or out of the visibility of authorities concerned.

14. Alberto Fujimori

Former President of Peru

Most Corrupt Politicians

A funny name this man has, but a clever mindset, cleverer than all his other corrupt pals thus far as the amount estimated in his corruption ranking value is rather staggering. Corrupt Presidents among the most corrupt politicians, isn’t an uncommon thing in this case ,it’s just that some of them are a little bit more intelligent in their corruption parades that they were able to milk more out of the state, than the rest before they’ve been brought to legal justice.

Alberto Fujimori is of an Asian descent which primarily means disciplined, sharp witted, and intelligent as well as mentally sharp since they have that Asian blood which is known to the world for their attention to detail type of style in everything they say and do which ensures order and precision in most cases.

In the Case of Alberto Fujimori however and his corruption In Presidency has gotten over his ‘head’ of the Nation accolade. It doesn’t mean that if a man is dressed with sharp suits, speaks in polite speech mannerisms and carries himself out with professionalism in the public eye, that he won’t be capable of corruption to some hectic degrees, kidnapping and murder As well as guilty by court of law in his act of ordering death squad Military men to do the dirty work of kidnappings and killings during his presidency and with an estimated fraud value of $600 Million stolen from the state.

15. Jean-Claude Duvalier

Former President of Haiti

Most Corrupt Politicians

We all know that action star, Jean – Claude Van Damme has been the bad boy dominating the Action Genre of Hollywood since the 80’s and there was only one of him. Jean – Claude Duvalier on the other hand, obviously tried to imitate this actor in reality due to his first name being the same, and very humorously couldn’t come close it seems.

Some people in power have seem to be waving the flag of a common trend that having “President” title simply means “I own everything and everybody In a country” and this is where abuse of power gets to best of their morality and beliefs and basically everything else changes once somebody comes into full power and control, it wouldn’t be very long until their power is taken to head where everything is now swindled by their intimidating and authority figure finger. Duvalier is one of the most corrupt politicians ever.

Everything seems to point in the direction of corruption from here onwards.” Like father, like son” they say and seems as though Papa Duvalier, the father of Jean – Claude Duvalier has been terrorizing Haiti for more than a decade to which the name struck fear In the locals. A man that claimed to bring about an economical revolution to Haiti’s starving population, felt nothing to embezzle between $300 – 800 Million during his time in office. Surely one of the most corrupt politicians of the world.

16. Sani Abacha

Former President of Nigeria

Most Corrupt Politicians

Nigeria as it stands to the world is automatically classed as a war torn country and quite frankly, who could blame the world for thinking so lowly of them when civil war seems to be so popular, the locals are somewhat getting better at it. War torn countries, require a leader that can turn an entire nation around, command in operations of war and actually win at it to protect the name and people

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