Top 10 Prompts and Pointers for a Good Essay

When in school an assignment is given to write an essay for academic writing, the topics are either many to choose from or a topic is pre-allotted to a particular student irrespective of his choice or whether he is comfortable with the topic or not. If you ask my opinion it is usually better if a topic is pre-allotted because it relieves you of the problem of coming up with your own topic. If writing interests you and penning down your thoughts in words on the paper does not overwhelm you then you will not hesitate to choose a topic that interests you and on which you are sure you can freely right.

But if you are a person who is not a natural with words and someone who is not able to write what he feels or thinks, it can be an altogether different story.

Prompts and Pointers for a Good Essay

Choosing a topic for an essay is not an easy job. Apart from being interesting enough for you to write about it, you should also have the knowledge about it to make it interesting for your readers. Also it not need be a serious topic or even a philosophical one where you just go on blabbering without making sense. You can also take the help of essay writers online to get ideas about the topics that you can write upon. The website is also very helpful and informative about ideas on topics for essays.

But if you want to write an essay of your choice and want to decide for yourself, following are some topics in the form of pointers and prompts. The pointers suggested can be used just the way they are or they can be manipulated according to the tone of the essay that you are supposed to write.

So, let’s not waste time and get on with the prompters:

1. Global warming:

This is the hottest topic in the academic field as of now. You can get loads of content to write for your essay. State arguments stating the effects and causes of global warming, how the human race will face problems in their coming generations as anyhow humans are the ones responsible for the problems of global warming. Research the topic and quotes facts and figures that show the effect of the global warming on the ozone layer and the glaciers of the world.

2. Entertainment industry:

The entertainment industry is a favourite of those writers who are very much into films and commercial entertainment. Mention the problem of piracy that they face and how the film fraternity has come together to fight against it.

3. Celebrity:

Choose a celebrity who is either at the top of his profession and field or someone who has seen better days but is now nowhere near the limelight. Both of their live can give you abundant stories to incorporate in your essay. but avoid to mention disturbing details about the celebrity as it can be disturbing and embarrassing for them and also prove your writing skills to be underhanded and cheap.

4. Medical related topics:

You can target medical related topics that are common among people like obesity and pursue it further as how in spite of trying in vain to lose weight through methods like yoga and exercises, people are not able to control their weight. Elaborate the ways and steps for people so that they can take help when they still have time.

5. Technology:

This topic can also provide a vast information as technology is a never ending process. To make it more interesting you can choose 2-3 famous and most loved inventions of technology and with the help of facts and figures prove how the technology and because of that the inventions have proved to be beneficial. Don’t forget to mention the negative aspects if any but in a way that still makes the invention look worth the effort.

6. Internet:

Internet!! The most loved past time of today’s teenagers. If you are of the same age I would recommend you to choose this topic and no other as it would be the most known topic by you. Even otherwise internet is a very interesting topic to speak upon as how it has completely dominated our lifestyle as to how we shop and also how we socialize.

7. Vegetarian v/s non-vegetarians:

Discuss the pros and cons of both being and vegetarian and a non-vegetarian. How animals are sacrificed for human food and how it is playing havoc with our food chain as well as the ecosystem. Attempt a tone for the essay which inclines and convinces the reader that being a vegetarian is far better than being a non-vegetarian and not just for the sake of saving animal life but also as it affects the health of the human body.

8. World war:

The way the borders of our country is raining fire every day, this could be a hot topic to be covered by your essay. Mention the possibilities of World War 3 and discuss how dangerous it can be compared to the first and second World Wars and the third will be witness devastating destruction because of the nuclear power which will be used.

9. Abortion:

This is a very sensitive topic and should be handled delicately. Tread carefully while mentioning if abortion is allowable. Discuss the situations that are responsible for the decision of abortion by women and discuss their right to make a choice to decide whether to abort or not. But always be careful to avoid giving names while quoting past situations.

10. Drugs:

Drugs are a form of venom that is eating up our nation and making it hollow from inside out. Discuss the negative aspects of taking drugs on the mental and physical health of the human body as well as on the society and the family that the drug addict belongs to.

Above are the 10 prompts, as well as there are many more that can help you write a convincing essay.

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