Top 10 Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

How to survive a zombie apocalypse? “The Zombies are invading the world!” Well, Zombies are really invading the world of television nowadays. Zombies are still far from invading the world that we live in at the moment but have managed to find a sanctuary and a world to conquer in television series and movies instead.

Top 10 Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

10. Exercise Regularly

ways to survive a zombie apocalypse

Keep yourself in top shape. You should be able to run fast and know how to defend yourself from the Zombies as well as humans that may potential pose a threat to your existence. You only have one body in this life; you might as well take care of it to live further in a Zombie infested world.

9. Make Knives and Weapons Your Favorite Collection

ways to survive a zombie apocalypse

Having a close to unlimited supply of knives and pointed objects and home allows you to have a permanent weapon against the Zombies. Guns are appealing though but if you do not have an unlimited source of ammunition, arrows, bolos, and other pointed weapons are better off to be your weapons. Keeping weapons handy is one of the several ways to survive a zombie apocalypse.

8. Make Target Shooting Your Hobby

ways to survive a zombie apocalypse

Make your spare time productive. Practice throwing knives and make it a hobby. You’ll have your everyday exercise and you’ll feel more confident in your next “run” for supplies outside your walls. Practice on moving objects as well so that you’ll never miss a target in case you ran on a Zombie while outdoors.

7. Raise Animals Inside Your Property

ways to survive a zombie apocalypse

Believe it or not, it is one of the easiest ways to survive a zombie apocalypse. Meat and protein is important to keep you strong and healthy to live longer in a Zombie infested world. Thus having dairy and meat available for consumption is necessary for your existence. Raise animals like chicken and goats in your “safe zone.” They are easy to feed and do not smell a lot compared to raising pigs.

6. Know How to Use Medicinal Plants

using medicine plants

You will definitely run out of medicines, and even if you don’t, most medicines will reach their expiry date eventually. For basic medicinal needs, medicinal plants and herbs will do the trick. Have several medicinal plants available in your safe zone area. Several plants and herbs can provide treatment for cough, infections and fever. Tea leaves are also basic organic medicinal plants you can have in your Zombie free zone.

5. Learn To Use Renewable Energy

ways to survive a zombie apocalypse

Renewable energy can be converted to electricity and can come handy surviving in a zombie world. Gas produced from human and animal waste can be harnessed into energy. You can use this energy to generate electricity and charge several appliances in your “safe zone.” Learn to conserve the energy that you generate though, to be able to use it during critical emergencies.

4. Have Deep Water Well in the Property

ways to survive a zombie apocalypse

Having an endless source of water is one of the top 10 ways to survive a zombie apocalypse. Rain is a safe source of drinking water in case the world crumbles with crawling and walking undead. However, you can also have an alternative source by having a deep well inside your “safe zone.” These water sources are usually from aquifers that are naturally occurring underground.

It is better to have different sources so that your water supply will never be compromised. Have big drums and water storage stocked specifically for summer time when water is scarce. Always boil the water that you will drink whether it’s from the rain or from underground.

3. Know How to Build a Fire

ways to survive a zombie apocalypse

Fire is used for cooking, boiling water and keeping yourselves warm. It is also your source of light at night. You can practically start a fire with some dry leaves and a microscope during the day. At night, you can use the extra coal that you managed to create during the day and make fire from sticks and stones.

Constant practice will allow you to easily build a fire even without gasoline, a lighter or a match. If you are still having a hard time creating fire, you can use a small amount of candle wax to help you work out in getting a fire lighted. Fire building skill will not just save you in a zombie infested world but in a non-zombie world too.

2. Stay In a Well-Vegetated Area with Plenty of Fruit Bearing Trees

ways to survive a zombie apocalypse

Now that you are securely protected inside the premises of your Zombie free sanctuary, the next thing to worry about is food. Designate an area where you can plant vegetables, corn, potatoes and other crops. It would also be a bonus if you have fruit bearing trees inside your “safe zone.” A basic knowledge in agriculture and farming will allow you to regenerate your food source.

Your chances of getting bit by a Zombie while running errands to search for food will be minimized if you will generate a source of food within your walls. Choosing to live in certain well-vegetated areas are ways to survive a zombie apocalypse.

1. Build Tall and Sturdy Walls

ways to survive a zombie apocalypse

Tall and sturdy walls are your first line of defense against these flesh eating creatures. And we can’t press enough how important wall building is among the 10 ways to survive a zombie apocalypse. Find a big area that is surrounded by tall, thick and concrete walls. It would be better if these walls have extra features like barbwires on top of it or pointed angular bars that will keep off trespassers from entering your premises.

A strong gate is also recommended, one made of steel with that is solid. It would be better to have two gates so that you can always use the other one, to enter or go out of the area in case the other gate is compromised. A regular guard should also be placed to make their rounds around your wall and your gate.

Learn about some more steps to surviving an apocalypse (according to National Geographic).

Top 10 Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

  1. Build Tall and Sturdy Walls
  2. Stay In a Well-Vegetated Area with Plenty of Fruit Bearing Trees
  3. Know How to Build a Fire
  4. Have Deep Water Well in the Property
  5. Learn To Use Renewable Energy
  6. Know How to Use Medicinal Plants
  7. Raise Animals Inside Your Property
  8. Make Target Shooting Your Hobby
  9. Make Knives and Weapons Your Favorite Collection
  10. Exercise Regularly

Written by: Joie Gahum

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